Fenwold Vets's home page
Emergency 01790 752227
Spilsby Surgery 01790 752227
Mablethorpe Surgery 01507 478182
Skegness Surgery 01754 767444

Out of Hours

What to do if you have an emergency when the Practice is closed

What to do in an Emergency - Out of Hours

What do I do?

Ring us on the normal number of your usual branch of Fenwold vets. 


You will be transferred to our Out of Hours service provider at East Lincs Emergency Vets (ELEV) located in Louth. 


ELEV are a dedicated emergency centre with vets and nurses available throughout the evening and night, including weekends and bank holidays. 


We work closely together and the details of any treatments your pets receive at ELEV will be transferred to us to ensure continuity of care.


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